AI-Powered Marketing Solutions and Tailored Web Development for Business Growth

Available Services

Available Services

Website Development

Professional website development including custom graphics, logos, flyers, pamphlets, digital, print and more.

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Digital Marketing

We create the marketing strategy and handle the implementation.

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Custom Development

Custom apps, web solutions and digital projects are our sepacilty!

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Selected Projects

Art Direction

Online Ordering



Data Science

Lead Generation

Branding Graphic Design

Meal Delivery Service



If you are interested in working together, Say Hi at [email protected]

TGAND Tech Service Plans

Professional Website

Recommended Plan
Services Include:
  • Custom Layout & Design
  • Fully Mobile Responsive
  • FREE SEO Plugins + Optimizations
  • 24/7 Support + Unlimited Change Requests
Extras to Consider:
  • AI Chatbot
  • Web-3/ Crypto/ NFT Integration
  • E-Commerce/ Dropshipping Setup
  • Meal Service Order System

Digital Marketing Campaign

Services Include:
  • Regular Content Posting + Engagemnt
  • Search Optimized Content Around Industry Topics
  • Email Marketing + List Building Campaigns
  • Progress Reporting on a Weekly Basis
Extras to Consider:
  • AI Influencer Campaigns
  • Local Mailbox Campaigns
  • Custom Videos + Animations
  • Online Lead Generation Funnel

Custom Apps/Development

Services Include:
  • AI Driven Functionality
  • Full Service from Concept to Design
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance
High-end Ecommerce Websites

Email [email protected] to discuss your next project today!